There are ongoing speculations nowadays on the Internet, regarding the issue whether the Quaid (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) was a Freemason. And believe me, I myself have been doing extensive thorough research on this topic for quite some time now.
It is a fact that during his teenage youth the Quaid had gone to the U.K. for higher studies. And he graduated with distiction from Lincoln's Inn, later to be called to the bar at 11 Kings Bench Walk during his stay at Hampstead. The Quaid, while still in the U.K., had also eagerly joined the notorious "Fabian Society", a reformist-Socialist party whose members included Freemasons George Bernard Shaw and Annie Besant, to name a few. In fact, the official Theosophical Order of Service in Pakistan records that the Quaid was so deeply inspired and influenced by Besant that he called her as "Amma" (mother) [Source: The Theosophical Order of Service, Karachi, Pakistan. Managed by Jamshed Mirza]
Annie Besant was world-renowned Theosophist and the founder of Co-Freemasonry, an irregular branch of Masonry which included participation of women equally with men in all the rituals and rites that the Order possessed. Annie Besant was herself influenced by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the "Black Woman" (black in the sense of character) who wrote the esoteric voluminous works such as "Isis Unveiled" and "The Secret Doctrine".
I believe that the Quaid, being a man of great knowledge and repute as we do consider him to be, must have known about the gathering in which he was. But it is notable to mention here that he soon parted ways with Besant, some years after she had formed the Home Rule League in India, an exact subcontinental replica of the Irish Home League which she also very repeatedly supported.
Did the Quaid not know what sort of woman Annie Besant was? Probably he realised this later and hence, as mentioned earlier, parted ways with her.
We'll go a little bit more back in history from here to the time when the Quaid was struggling to get Dadabhoy Naoroji elected as an MP at Central Finsbury. Naoroji was not only an orthodox Parsi priest ("Athurman") but also had written various volumes of work on Zoroastrian history and wisdom [Source: Wikipedia]. He was also a Freemason, member of both Lodge Southern Brotherhood No. 3311 E.C. and the Lodge South Cannanore No. 234.
There's little chance of the Quaid having known of Naoroji's Masonic connections because even in those days, such identities were extremely hidden and secret, away from public knowledge, only to be rarely discovered in the same years or in the coming future.
The Quaid included among his friends Mr. Ebrahim Currimbhoy, another Freemason and member of the Lodge Cannanore No. 234.
It is a little known fact that the Quaid was a Khoja Ismaili by birth, which means his spiritual leader i.e. Imam was the Agha Khan. In those days, it was Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Agha Khan. And again interestingly enough, the Agha Khan of that time was a member of the Grand Lodge of India A.F. & A.M. (Bombay). Though accounts of the Quaid's driver Abdul Hayy do state that he was not a very religious Muslim, there is a good reason to believe that somehow or the other the Quaid must have been influenced by his "Imam". There was a case upon which I stumbled a few months ago, wherein it was stated that upon the Quaid's death, Fatima Jinnah had gone to the Court to get the Quaid's wealth divided according to Ismaili Law. She was assisted by Liaquat Ali Khan. But like the present Iqbal Waljee, some other Waljee (probably the present's ancestor) at the time had rejected such an act because according to him "Jinnah had converted to Sunni Islam in 1901" and hence his Will could not have been announced according to Jafari jurisprudence. Allah Knows Best!
This case alone is interesting because we all know that the Agha Khan was the only Muslim leader who was given the Guard of Honor and the Royal Salute by the British Army because of his countless services to the British Raj. So then why would a faithful Britisher want to, on the other hand, help in the formation of Pakistan which was totally against the British interests? What benefits did he foresee which led to his being elected as the first President of the Muslim League and as the Chairman of the team that went to meet Lord Minto? Allah Knows Best.
When the Ali Brothers (Maulana Johar Ali & Maulana Shaukat Ali) started the Khilafat Movement in 1919, with the 'helpful assistance' of Mohandas Gandhi, the Quaid was personally opposed to the "religious fanaticism" that followed and though he still admired the British progress, he in part remained neutral because at the end it was a matter of the Muslim Ummah as a collective whole, not just a nation-state (Turkey) that was at stake, with the "Hijaz-e-Muqaddas" (Sacred/Holy Sites) in danger of being controlled or demolished (Allah forbid) by the Imperialist regime of Britain and her Allies.
It was Allama Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal who had written quite many letters of persuasion to the Quaid to come to India:"I know you are a busy man but I do hope you won't mind my writing to you often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to whom the community has right to look up for safe guidance through the storm which is coming to North-West India and, perhaps, to the whole of India."
The Quaid's repeated links with the Zoroastrians of India is also interesting. His wife Rattanbai was a Parsi who had converted to Islam before marriage. The man who the Quaid had helped for a long time was a Parsi intellect (Dadabhoy). And it was the Quaid's own daughter Dina who had married Dinshaw Vadia, the son of a renowned Parsi industrialist of India.
Anyways, whatver the cases filed may be, no one can disprove the facts that not only countless Muslims had to go through lots of troubles and bloodshed, even the Quaid himself along with his family had to endure seams of harassment and criticism because they were destined to create an Islamic state of Pakistan.
We can never truly realize or feel the immense amount of pressure and blackmail that the Quaid must have faced form the Britishers and the West, especially from the Israeli lobbies and the Jews. Lord Balfour must have surely gone mad when an Islamic state by the name of "Pakistan" came into formation a year before that of a Jewish state!
And it was the Quaid himself who said that Israel was "the illegitimate child of the West". Such was the Quaid's passion. Similarly on Liaquat Ali Khan, this is what Wikipedia has to say:
According to a document declassified in 2006, USA was involved in the killing of Liaqat Ali Khan, then prime minister of Pakistan. Liaqat Ali Khan had refused to dance on US tunes. The type of bullet used to kill the Pakistani prime minister were in "use by high-ranking American officers", and were "not usually available in the market" [Reference: "Declassified Papers Shed Light on US Role in Liaquat's Murder" by Syed Rashid]
Furthermore, when Liaquat Ali Khan had gone to the States and had been given a lavish reception by the Jewish leaders and also great offers and invitations, he straight-forwardly refused and rejected all of them.
Even though I'm a Sunni Muslim and the Quaid was an Ismaili and Liaquat Ali Khan was also a Sunni, I believe in Allah's Potency to do anything whenver He Wants. Thorugh the astound personalities of the Quaid and Liaquat Ali Khan, Allah gave a sea of blessings to the Muslims of the time, even to us. It is Allah Who let us create a nation state in the name of Islam, so that in the future the Army of Imam Mahdi can rise from here too, apart from Afghanistan (Allah Knows Best). That age was surely one in which sectarian outlook was not the sight of the leaders... the true "General" Islam was the light by which those men saw.
And as far as I'm concerned, to be very honest, I have not come across a single source which has definite provocative proof that the Quaid was a Freemason. He had truly felt motivated to furthermore spearhead the Muslim Community's aims to establish a nation state in the name of Islam. All the Masonic hierarchies are bound to the Grand Masonic Arch in Israel i.e. Zionists. And if the Quaid were a Freemason, would his fellow "Obedient Brothers" have allowed him to create a state that was fundamentally opposed to Zionist interests? I don't think so.
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